Category Archives: Ninjutsu Schools

Takagi Yoshin Ryu

Soke Hatsumi demonstrating Takagi Yoshin Ryu's application of controlling an opponent to the ground, and in this case with the school's signature weapon; the Yari

The origins and history of this school can be somewhat confusing, since it combines influences from several schools and over time has been split into different directions and renamed many different ways. In 1569, during the Yeiroku era (1568-1579), in the Funagata Yama (mountain area) of Miyagi, there was a Chinese mountain priest, from the […]

Kukishinden Ryu

The Kukishinden Ryu originated sometime in the Kamakura period (1184-1333) and it’s name means ‘School of the Nine Divine Demons’. The first registered Soke was Yasushimaru Kurando Takazane who lived at the beginning of the 14th Century. Kurando was a samurai in service to Emperor Go-Diago who ruled 1318-1339. He supported Go-Diago in his fight […]